IT Health Check

Our IT health check aims to guarantee that your company’s external and internal systems are secured against unauthorized access or modification and do not serve as a point of entry for unauthorized systems. Our service is designed in a way that it assists our clients in maintaining their IT security and IT assets.

External Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

Digital Forensic image

Internal Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

Social Engineering

When hostile actors want to breach the infrastructure of a network, social engineering is frequently more effective than traditional network/application exploitation. We use a combination of human and electronic methods to mimic attacks in order to help you become more prepared for this kind of strike. In human-based assaults, a reliable individual is impersonated in an effort to get access to client infrastructure, information, or both. Electronic-based attacks include the deployment of sophisticated phishing attempts created with precise business goals and discipline. Our social engineering tactics include our consultants masquerading as vendors, new employees, business partners, and more to entice staff into divulging sensitive information or permitting access to sensitive areas of the facility.

In this service, we act as.

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